Friday, November 5, 2010

welcome <3.

alot of my customers have asked why i don't blog my DIY projects,  knitting projects ( and some frebies coming soon!) and just my daily routine of being a mother to a beautiful lil' seven month old boy.

my answer is: i would love to. so here i am.

winter is here. snow today in cleveland, ohio? well, it doesn't seem too out of the norm since i live in ohio. one day it is 40 degrees the next it's 80 degrees. winter months always inspire me to start my knitting. i have found an amazing love for natural fiber yarn. so expensive you may say, BUT i have found love in the stitch n' bitch yarn. so many vibrant colors and the quality is amazing! perfect for my lil' clients heads.

stitch n' bitch: would you mind some full o' sheep yarn?

bamboo yarn

i love knitting. its my escape. i have come to realize that i am breaking out of the ol' funk cliche that it is a grandma thang. its fun, inspiring, and just plain old soothing for one's good soul. becoming a mother has instilled so much tranquility in me. i think i would rather sit at home with a good glass of wine, my knitting needles and a good movie ( preferably a tear jerker for this occasion) than go out and party hardy anymore. this is my life, and i have to say, that i am in love with it.

two of my favorite things.

happy weekend to you and yours.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos! Start the baby young :)) I made a scarf with a beautiful burnt orange alpaca yarn. Love the color!
